Saturday, September 25, 2010

Read at your own risk: A para load of hysterics

I don't know what is wrong with me... I mean, I know what is wrong BUT.. It is something that I shouldn't be bothered about.. It is just a dream, and dreams strictly DO NOT come true... Then what I am bothered about??????? It is kind of stupid to have that kind of dream to make you sit up and take notice then don't come true... I keep telling myself to ignore it.. but... but... If it really comes true, then... I suppose it will come true..

Who am I kidding????? My emotions are on overdrive and if anyone attempt to do anything about it, I am really going to hit you, and hard! I hate those kind of dreams that makes you emo first thing in the morning... I hope my mask is holding up, at least around in class, all those expected expressions make me forget how good pouring out my feelings on someone really feel. I think I might consider venting them on mich. And seriously, I am kind of in a battle of COLD PRECISION vs EMOTIONS, and it is physically draining... just nice it has to be in the middle of preparation for A's.

Hopefully God gives me an answer by tmr, if not, I am jamming the entire load of them down the rubbish chute and solder the lid shut tight where it belongs and let COLD PRECISION win. Not that I am unfeeling, but hey, my A's are more important. I'll just sacrifice a weekend to slamming that particular door in my dream's face and freaking get on with life. Considering that COLD PRECISION states that just chuck aside all EMOTIONS and focus on studies, and I am determined to let it win. I order you, EMOTIONS, get back into my heart where you belong, and not appear until 30/11/2010. Do not attempt to stop me, if not....

I will make sure that you, the irritating dream, will not come true and I'll do my utmost best to escape from all potential situations.


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