Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Random thoughts rambling after reading skipping-it

Its been a while since I blog, and this is the first post of the year, 19 days late, haha. As usual, I can only find the patience to blog a long proseyish post when I am in a particularly painful class... but that's for another post.

2014 was a time for change, and a time for new beginnings and responsibilities that I didn't expect to take up (or dumped on, depending on your pov). But its been a good year, mostly, and made a whole lot group of friends. And that's all it matters. Reconciliations, forging new relationships, getting connected to old friends. Time has a funny way of getting what it wants done, but I don't fault its timing. Or God's timing. Things that happened or didn't, I believe they all have a certain purpose to it. But I ended it being very sick, haha.

2015 started off with work, lots of work. But hey, at least this year's Gl'Amour isn't a one man show. I am pretty thankful for everyone, for their patience and listening ears. So far. I miss yy though, really miss her. I mean... its not like I don't mean nothing to her now, but you know yy, sometimes I really really miss you. #justsaying And my quiet and sensible dance partner suddenly becomes... crazy (slightly, but still). Like you know, ron-ish crazy. And class part. In ethics. And a whole bunch of freshies that I didn't mean to be friends with. So I guess it started off pretty well! Ballare style.

Oh, and I totally forgot to think about New Year Resolutions. Oh well *shrugs*


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